Kakariki in the wild
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In march 2011 we visited New Zealand again, this time we kept staying on the north island.
Kakariki we saw: Yellow crowned parakeets we could hear in some native forests but they were mostly hidden in the high tops of trees.

Tiritiri-Matangi Island
Tiritiri is a predatorfree island near Auckland. Here we saw about 30 redfronted parakeets of both sex. Mostly we saw them in dense strub (pic 6), at feedingplants or the male parakeets on high positions monitoring the scenery. Even on the ground we could spot these birds, feeding grases and maybe insects. The humidity on this summerday was between 65% (open scenery) and 95% (forest-aerea) at temperatures from about 25°C.

Tiritiri-Matangi is a highly relevant bird sanctuary. Tourists may visit this island for a daytrip but there are strong guidelines for kleening shoes and backpacks. You may book guided tours too

You will find further information here

also see: Kakarikis on Ulva Island
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 Georg & Sabine