Kakariki and their flock behaviour
- A second opinion by "Hühn" -

Vergrößerung durch Blick auf das BildWe have 8 red crowned parakeets living with us right now. 6 of them formed solid pairs and one pair lives in a somewhat complicated relationship. They get on well together in spite of a few minor disputes now and then, except for Siggi and Gonzo, our two disabled.

 . Vergrößerung durch Blick auf das BildTherefore, those two are housed separate in an aviary, as Siggi relentlessly attacks all other birds. However, when Gonzo, because of an egg binding surgery, was not here for 2 days, his behavior changed dramatically. His aggression faded into thin air completely, I could even let him stay in the other aviary, but because he even allowed himself to flirt with Tonto, one of the other hens, I had to take him back out of there. As soon as Gonzo came back home, the rascal was up to his old tricks again. Why they all peacefully coexist with us, I can not say.  Perhaps its because all the newbies are introduced straight into the community aviary (under strict supervision) and therefore creates no territorial behavior or that bonded couples have already been formed in there. 

Vergrößerung durch Blick auf das BildAll pure speculation. They are even quite peaceful when an egg is laid now and then, as was two times the case with Carina. Siggi and Gonzo were separated from the others from the start, because we were afraid the other red crowns would attack him because of his disability 
Vergrößerung durch Blick auf das Bild(exactly the opposite happened) Would he have acted more friendly if we would have placed him in the big aviary with the others from the start? I don't know...


We would like to thank "Hühn" for this article
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